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How Arthritis Shaped our Relationship: an Interview With my Boyfriend

To start off Valentine’s week I decided to interview my boyfriend, Max, and ask him some questions about how arthritis has affected our relationship from the beginning. If you are looking to tell your partner about your chronic illness soon I hope you find comfort in these answers. If you are in a relationship with someone who has arthritis or any chronic illness you can definitely find some great advice below.

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A Little Faith: My Journey with Self Injections

So, when my doctor suggested Benlysta and explained that it was a biologic medication I knew it had to be an injection or infusion. I stiffened in my seat. This seemed like a huge decision and this was only my second appointment at an adult rheumatologist without my Mom. So I did what I knew I had to, I started asking a lot of questions. 

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Things you Should Say to Your Friend with Arthritis

The fact of the matter is that your friend with arthritis, or any chronic illness, does NOT want your pity. If they talk about their pain in front of you it’s not to get your attention or to make you feel sorry for them; they’re doing so because this is their life and if you’re their friend you’re a part of it too. 

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6 Tips for Telling Friends About Your Arthritis

I received my diagnosis at the age of 13, I was in the 7th grade and it was almost summer time. This was a really terrible timed diagnosis, not like there’s a good time, but by the time I came back from summer break I had gained at least 50 pounds and had “moon face”, a typical side effect of prednisone.

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